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Technology November 20, 2018

An Easy Explainer for IoT


The expression ‘Internet of Things’ finds frequent mention in news. However, at least for now, the concept hasn’t captured the imagination of common people. By contrast, Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, also based on the internet, could find a place in public discussions. So is it that the concept is so complex that the general public is finding it hard to comprehend, or is it so irrelevant for us that we can manage to disregard, for example, we don’t care about how the proximity sensor on our cellphone works, we just care about using it.

Neither of the above two statementsis correct. IoT, as it is generally termed in the tech world, is simple to understand and yes, it has great relevance in the lives of common people.

IoT simply means devices connected by means of the internet for sharing of useful information.Any physical device, even your shoes, for example, can be turned into something, by embedding in it a chip, which can interact with other devices. In this case, your shoes may record the number of steps you walk in a day and send this data to a device available with your doctor and ultimately generate a report on how well you are managing your health.

In another case, your bed may have a chip that could detect your waking up, post which a message will automatically be sent to your water geyser to turn it on. From your shirt that could record your heartbeat to your house’s main gate that would automatically unlock sensing your car, IoT may in very near future change the way we interact with one another and with other physical objects.

Let’s see if this is anything unprecedented. We know of sensors placed at borders of countries that can send a signal to authorities if some unwanted person or object tries to cross over to the other side of the border unlawfully. This exactly is what IoT intends to be; the only difference is that now it will touch the lives of common people and revolutionize the way we live by arguably making us more proactive.

It can surely ease our lives. Imagine your sugar storing container sending a message on your cellphone about the commodity reaching its end so that you can make a repurchase. Errors of omission can certainly reduce with the help of IoT. However, is it all the pluses that we are anticipating with this concept?

Without any doubt, IoT may violate our privacy. With so many physical devices around us connected to the internet and recording our activities, we may end up becoming excessively dependent on technology for even trivial tasks. And what if one day the broadband or Wi-Fi that was used to interconnect devices experiences an error? All processes would come to an abrupt halt, and the normal routine would get disturbed. 

It may be some time that IoT storms into our lives in its complete form. Something that is certain is the increasingly crucial role of internet technology in our day to day activities.

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