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Indian Economy June 22, 2021

Job vs. Freelancing


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The digital era is revolutionizing mankind and market alike; from communication to trade, there is not a single domain that could remain unaffected from the progress of technology. A noticeable change can be seen in the work culture over the past few years; from regular office-going jobs, work has significantly shifted to freelancing, online submission of tasks.

In the ensuing article, let’s understand the key differences between conventional jobs and freelancing, and what can be the best career option for you.

Pros of Freelancing

  1. Gives the worker the power to decide his working hours on his own
  2. Gives the worker independence from peer pressure
  3. A freelancer does not have to prepare weekly performance report for the purpose of being submitted to your manager
  4. Freelancer is free to re-negotiate his/her remuneration anytime
  5. Freelancing has added more rationality to the overall working of the economy, for freelancers are being paid to work upon and submit quality assignments, not for sitting idle in office cabins and browsing the web.
  6. Freelancing has differentiated real talent from the superficial one, for only completion of tasks matters here, unlike daily attendance in a 9 to 5 job.

Pros of conventional job

  1. Conventional job offers near-assured returns at end of the month, irrespective of the number of tasks one handles during the period, which may be low when consumer sentiments are down and high during a boom period.
  2. The key perk associated with a job is security of tenure and pay; hence many even today would want a traditional 9 to 5 job as their first preference for work.

But is it so? What about going the extra mile? What about shattering the glass ceiling?

It can be as simple as this – If everyone would be into jobs, who would be the job creator, and as complex as this – If GDP were to grow on jobs, what’s the point building infrastructure, setting up new businesses, encouraging entrepreneurs? The argument sounds more promising today in an environment that has enabled the youth to undertake projects as freelancers, as bosses of their own, not as mere employees, sub-ordinates.

From writing to digital marketing, from software development to testing and from Yoga to photography, the freelance world is offering new horizons to the daredevils.

Risks may accompany this aspect but the rewards of good work are more in freelance than in job. Better pay, recognition of one’s ability to complete task with quality and within the specified time frame, shattering of conventions like work holidays on Sundays and ease of finding new opportunities and assignments, thus lessening of unemployment, all add to the strengths of freelancing over being hired as a full-time employee.

The decision is yours, do you want to sit and relax on the same chair for the rest of your life waiting for your senior colleague to assign you task, or do you want to challenge your capabilities and limits and earn what you deserve, at the same time being self-governing?

In the past people weren’t naturally organized into jobs and positions, it was only when the corporate structure was invented, encouraged that the freelancers of those times were structured as workers and employees.

History may repeat itself and the freelancers of today may in future find themselves tied to an organized market with features like job titles, centralization and hierarchal order, but the tech of today will not allow complete wipe out of freelancers.

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