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Entrepreneurship - An Outlook December 10, 2018

Business Lessons That Can Be Borrowed from PM Modi


Also Read: How can government help Indian startups compete with the foreign counterparts?

PM Modi has earnedan unprecedented following, indeed unmatched for any other leader India has seen after the first Prime Minister Nehru or his daughter Indira Gandhi. Such acceptance is earned on the back of attributes one possesses, not through coercion. Are there any such traits that millennials of India, aspiring entrepreneurscould borrow from this man of impeccable service record?

Here we list some.

1. Research and Planning

Everyone remembers the Chief Minister Modi condemning the Aadhaar project of the UPA government. Same was the case with MGNREGA, GST and some other policy decisions of the previous regime. But Prime Minister Modi researched the efficacy of these initiatives and decided to endorse these with added vigour. Quite often, you would come across easy solutions like dumping a project, but a wise research can enable prudent decision-making that can subsequently make the same venture a commercial success.


Many feared that owing to the kind of privilegethat PM Modi enjoys in the public, which places him above all other leaders of the BJP, he would assert his authority over all policy decisions by various ministries of the Government of India. This, however, is not the case with this man who relies heavily on his team of ministers, besides trusting and not meddling with the poll strategy of his confidante, Amit Shah, the national President of his party.

Decentralizing decision making not only boosts the morale of your team, it also furthers innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. One man cannot be a champion of all functions; hence it is your turn now to hand over some responsibilities to your subordinates, without being wary of some negative returns. In the end, this will be a prized choice.

3.Publicizing and Marketing

Today’s a world where demand is created through publicity. The economy has thrived only owing to the increased wants of people who work extra to fulfill these needs, thus powering the wheels of the global economy. Prime Minister’s Mann Ki Baat is nothing but his way of garnering acceptance from the public for his reformist stance and educating the common man on the pros of policy decisions of the government.

And look at the outcome. The call of demonetization of higher currency notes did not invite any harsh condemnation from the common man, the one who had to spend hours in bank queues to get notes exchanged/ deposited. Same is the case with businesses and the products and services they offer. The more people watch, discuss your product, more is the interest to buy. But be mindful of ethical marketing; false claim is one of the factors behind the fall of Congress.

4Being Responsive to Course Corrections

Planning may not always mean your project is failure-proof. In the demonetization drive, the government corrected its course multiple times, all for improving the efficacy of the policy decision.Same happens in a business where decisions need to be reworked owing to changed circumstances in the market. Being responsive is better than being rigid.

5. Perseverance

Obstacles to realizing dreams are many, most of time morale-shattering. PM Modi rose from being a so-called ‘Chaiwallahto being the Chief Minister of one of India’s economically advanced states, Gujarat. The journey was marred by controversies but this man never let his morale plunge in wake of criticism from opposition, besides from within his own party.

Even today, when he occupies country’s most powerful office, hurdles are many. In a country so diversified, socially as well as economically, denouncements for policy decisions pop up not only from opposition, but also from media outlets, civil society and political experts. The ability to withstand condemnation and get going with radical reforms is what that makes this man one of the most followed and talked about world leaders of today.

In the end, remember that a Harvard degree, the patronage of being from a well-off family, a flawless past does not make a successful entrepreneur; it is your perseverance, hard work, responsiveness and faithin peers and sub-ordinates that differentiate you from the crowd of ‘me-too’ entrepreneurs.

Also Read: Startups- Not Just for Rich, B-School Graduates

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